M Series Metal To Metal Seal Ball Valve
Both floating and trunnion mounted construction metal to metal seal ball valves are available. All classes including HIPPS, up to 20, 000 psig are available. Engineering is complied with ASME VIII specification. The stems are with anti-blow out function, and free of additional axial flow force applied. The upper seal can be replaced with the valves in-line, under pressure with the ball in the closed and full open position.
Metal seal ball valves are used in applications where service temperature is high and where solids in the fluid cause damage to resilient seats. It’s suitable for HIPPS service.
Tungsten Carbide Spray Overlay, Stellite Overlay etc., are upon request.
Flexible seats are available.
Bubble Zero leaking with high pressure gas test, as QSL 3G and PSL 3G is always recommended by us, with over 25 years serve life.
Tel: 0086-512-6607 9273, 6607 9267
0086-180 1370 2919
Fax: 0086-512-6607 9271
E-mail: jobmanagement@frvalve.com

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